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[KGF Seung-Min Baek] Analysis of Winner of The Onemount Open (Front) 관리자 2015-02-25 61314
진단    Take a look at the arms and wrist movement at backswing,
처방    and the bent knees maintained throughout the entire swing.
평가 점수 및 댓글
petergolf ? 15-03-24 04:18
yeey Min baek 15-08-29 21:07
stevenchin Good Footing on Left Leg and with Hip , Arm Swing. Maintained Completed Swing. 15-10-24 07:00
rickygowdjali@gmail.com Very helpfull 15-11-03 10:51
johnkim0023@gmail.com Centered Swing 16-02-22 16:55
vesa.kontturi@sotkamo.net Jep 16-04-14 03:44
wv3537@gmail.com Swing2 16-07-01 22:51
kolatt.www@gmail.com Tt 16-07-09 15:38
kolatt.www@gmail.com G 16-07-26 14:57
kolatt.www@gmail.com Video app 16-07-26 15:46
natnattier@hotmail.com Drive 17-04-25 22:15
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