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자료실 상세
[KGF Seuk-Hyun KIM] Analysis of Winner of Gochang CC Open (Side) 관리자 2014-11-07 68310
진단    Compare the swing planes of the downswing and backswing.
처방    Kim explains the check points for each position of the golf swing.
평가 점수 및 댓글
rr2510 xx1 14-11-17 13:19
251094 a a 15-02-14 05:14
luong_cun That's great 15-06-11 14:48
sekaran47 Not now 15-07-24 06:37
wv3537@gmail.com Swing 16-07-01 22:50
ppebay1@mail.com Tops 16-08-09 07:32
wv3537@gmail.com Dsa 16-10-21 06:41
stevencooldial@hotmail.com Good tips 18-02-21 01:14
이전글, 다음글 상세
이전글 [KGF 백승민] 원마운트 오픈 우승 백승민프로 (측면)
다음글 [KGF MinGeun CHO] Winner of Jaseng Oriental Hospital Open (Front)